Wednesday 12 February 2014

My not so interesting beginning of the week, but so interesting professor

            I tried to wake up, but you know, that was not about to happen. I missed my first class and then realized, wait we have this class rescheduled anyways so no big deal! Ah, it was great. So, I went to my next class, which was still relatively early. Because I was so tired and for some reason SO hungry, I was SO hungry, I decided I may not be able to run. Well, I started talking to this guy, John, who is big into running/triathlons. He also goes to Cuse but does more of his own thing when it comes to sticking with the Cuse Crew. It was nice to talk to him because we had a lot in common. Well, I decided to go to running club at 6 PM. Unfortunately, I ate like 2 hours before. But first, I bought tickets for Cork this weekend. I am nervous about going because I hate being on a bus, but Karolina convinced me to because its 85 euro for the entire weekend. I literally went back and forth about this like 20 times and asked EVERYONE for their opinion. Mind that, I only have 20 euro. Well, I put some money down and hopefully the debit card comes by then. Anyways, made my way to running club with John. We started running and the first group really separated from us because apparently we are “slow”. I stayed with a girl from Ireland, Maeve, and another girl from Belgium, Salean (don’t know spelling). We ran for about an hour and it was really fun. She was short and stout, with a handle but doesn’t shout. Then, I really had to poop. Luckily, I always have toilet paper with me for when my nose runs. Yup, this was a good one. We kept running and then I headed home to finish some work. And of course, still should’ve gone to sleep earlier, but for some reason, it takes me so long to go to bed. Either I am talking to Adam or I just find something else to do on the computer, Facebook, or perhaps blogging (but this not so much).


            This morning I had class again. Still so hard to get up but it was so nice out! I went to class and I have my main professor and then we have TAs and then we have another professor to teach us about other projects. This professor, the one I always talk about that is so strange and no one can figure him out, was wearing jeans that sagged with green boxers. Then, I found out that his belt was put on so the buckle was almost facing the back. So strange! How does it get there?! It was a joke. I Snapchatted EVERYONE about this haha.

            Then, I came home and went on a short run, ate some lunch and headed to class at the wrong time. I still am going a little nutso with figuring out what I want to do with my life, especially these trips. Also, when Chelsea goes crazy, my travel agent, it doesn’t help. Well, I sat and watched some Olympics for an hour, bought the mystery tour ticket through ESN (which I didn’t have to pay for because they also owed me money, actually they paid me 1 euro) so I could finally do something J and then I went to class with the cute professor but I HATE his teaching! Hate it! I asked a billion questions compared to the rest of the class, probably not normal here at Ireland. Then I went to his office afterwards. Then, I had to run out because he talks some weird mumbles, worse than the Shers. Well, at this point I was trying to run home because I wanted to book Berlin and this was the only time I could do it and the only time Chelsea was relatively, sane and free. But it was 440 and I was going climbing at 5. So, I just left and went climbing with Karolina. It was awesome! My arms were so tired. And I met a lot of people. After, I had about an hour, and so I thought until Trampolining/Scuba. I worked on my Spanish presentation. Then, at 8 when I was SUPER tired, thought to go get my bathing suit on but had no energy. So, I walked out on deck and then asked where they were and found that they don’t start till 9! What. OK. So I just went home. On the way home, I realized that I could’ve just gone to trampolining but TOTALLY forgot. When I got home I had a list of things to do but totally forgot because I was going absolutely INSANE about this Berlin trip. It wasn’t so much booking it but if I should buy bags, if I should by insurance…blah blah blah! Also, I never booked a flight back. Which, I am fine with, but I don’t know what my plans are for second week. I would be kind of fine with just going back for Paddy’s day. But then I found out the twins might be going to Florence and I could totally meet them there! HAHAH weird how things like that work. But still looking into that. I also should start signing up for my other trips. I am looking into them now. About to go to bed and then stupid Adam messages me. Ugh, again, sleeping later than I wanted doing absolutely nothing. Oh, and class is cancelled tomorrow HAH

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